
NEWS GROUP「rec.arts.sf.starwars.misc」にて、質問してみました。
Thanks to ZapPowBam !

Subject: Re: Which theater in USA should I go?
Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.starwars.misc

Well, Kyoko, if you're coming from Japan, you're best bet would be to come to Los Angeles. Once there, you have two choices, so choose wisely...

  1. Mann's Chinese Theater

    -- this is the place to see it for nostalgia. Lucas was across the street eating at Hamburger Hamlet and was shocked to see a long line for the film back in 1977. Also, you'll find the footprints of Darth Vader, C-3PO, R2-D2, Harrison Ford and George Lucas (next to Steven Spielberg's) in the courtyard. Without a doubt, this will be the WILDEST place to see Episode I with fans. Sound and picture presentation varies, but is usually excellent.


  2. Mann's Village Theater

    -- located near UCLA in Westwood, this theater boasts (in my opinion) the absolute best picture and sound presentation for a public theater in California. And now that they redid the seats and floor, this theater shines even more. This will also be a wild place to see it.

So, to sum up, see Episode I at the Chinese for the experience, or see it at the Village for the presentation. Based on your post, I'm guessing I'll be seeing you at the Chinese. :)


  1. Mann's Chinese Theater

    これはノスタルジアにひたる場所。1977年には、ルーカスが通りむこうのHamburger Hamletでハンバーガーを食べながら、自分の映画にできてる長い列にびっくりしたんだよ。前庭にはDarth Vader, C-3PO, R2-D2, Harrison Ford や George Lucas (Steven Spielbergのとなり)の足跡もあるしね。 間違いなく、ここはEpi1を他のファン達と観るのにはいちばんワイルドな場所になるね。音質と画質は時によってちがうけど、いつもはとてもいいよ。

  2. Mann's Village Theater


言ってみれば、Epi1を「体験」したいならChinese Theater、素晴らしい上演環境で観たいならVillageってとこかな。 たぶんあなたとはChineseで会うことになるだろうね^^。